====================================================================== --> ]> What did American voters admire about Rudy Guiliani? What qualities did not endear Rudy Guiliani to some American voters? What Republicans are considered Rudy Guiliani's chief rivals for the party's nomination? Why did readers support Time's inclusion of Bono for Person of the Year? Why did readers not support the inclusion of Bill Gates as Person of the Year? Why did readers not support the inclusion of Melinda Gates as Person of the Year? Why did people enjoy the movie "Good Night and Good Luck"? Why did people dislike the movie "Good Night and Good Luck"? Who did not like the movie "Good Night and Good Luck"? What people have good opinions of Sean Hannity? What reasons do people give for liking Sean Hannity? What bloggers' sites contain negative opinions of Sean Hannity? What reasons are given for positive opinions of congestion pricing? What reasons are given for negative opinions of congestion pricing? What reasons did people cite for negative opinions of the FDA? Who has expressed a negative opinion about the association of members of the FDA advisory committees? Who has expressed a negative opinion about FDA investigating researchers at the request of drug companies? Who has expressed a negative opinion about the FDA's rejection of the sale of Plan B? Name people who praise efforts to clean up the Chesapeake Bay. Who has criticized efforts to clean up the Chesapeake Bay? What criticism has been leveled against efforts to clean up the Chesapeake Bay? Who has a favorable opinion about the Metropolitan Opera and its operations in general? Who criticizes the Metropolitan Opera Company and its operations? Who has criticized a performance of the Metropolitan Opera? What characteristics of Metropolitan Opera performances have been criticized? Who has given a favorable opinion about a performance of the Metropolitan Opera? What reasons did people give for liking Gregory Peck's movies? What Gregory Peck movies did people like? What reasons did people give for not liking Gregory Peck's movies? What Gregory Peck movies did people dislike? What Lauren Bacall movies did people like? What reasons did people give for liking Lauren Bacall's movies? What Lauren Bacall movies did people dislike?