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TAC 2010 Tracks
Call for Participation
Reporting Guidelines
TAC 2010 Workshop

TAC 2010 papers, posters/demos, and presentations

Each team that submits runs for evaluation is requested to write a paper for the TAC 2010 proceedings that reports how the runs were produced (to the extent that intellectual property concerns allow) and any additional experiments or analysis conducted using TAC 2010 data. A draft version of the proceedings papers is distributed to TAC 2010 workshop attendees. The final proceedings are published on the TAC web site only after the workshop. The workshop version of papers gives workshop attendees something concrete to discuss during the meeting itself, but participants have the opportunity to revise their papers based on findings from workshop discussion before publication in the final proceedings.

All teams are strongly encouraged to present their system(s) and results during a poster/demo session at the TAC 2010 workshop. A limited number of teams are also allowed to give full oral presentations at the workshop; full presentations are selected based on presentation proposals rather than on entire papers.

Unless specifically invited by the TAC Advisory Committee, a team may contribute a paper to the proceedings and give a presentation at the TAC 2010 workshop only if it has also submitted at least one run for evaluation.

Copyright release

Any organization whose paper will appear in the TAC proceedings must sign a copyright release form. Teams that are giving an oral presentation must also fill in the speaker section of the form. The senior author at each organization can sign for other authors, but if a team consists of multiple organizations, a signed copyright release form is required from each organization.

To submit copyright forms: Print out the copyright form, fill it in, sign it, and send the signed form to NIST as a fax or emailed pdf attachment. In your email message or fax cover letter, please provide your TAC 2010 team name, email address, and subject "TAC 2010 copyright release". Signed forms should be sent to:

    ATTN: Lori Buckland
    Fax #: +1 301-975-5287
    Email: lori.buckland@nist.gov


Each team is requested to write a paper that will be distributed at the workshop and published in the final proceedings. The paper should consist of a description of the team's TAC 2010 system(s) and any additional experiments or analysis of TAC 2010 tasks, evaluations, and results. Papers do not undergo a standard peer review, although NIST reserves the right to exclude non-responsive papers. (Participants are encouraged to expand on the work reported in their TAC proceedings papers and submit the results to peer-reviewed conferences, journals, and other venues.)

Each team should write a single paper for all tracks in which the team participated. Paper length is limited to 12 pages for the first track, plus 4 additional pages per additional track (e.g., a team that submits runs for three tracks would be allowed a total of 20 pages). NIST reserves the right to exclude papers that exceed the page limit.

Papers must print in black-and-white on 8.5 x 11 inch paper. These are the only paper formatting requirements:

  • standard US-letter size (not A4)
  • minimum 10pt type
  • no page numbers
  • minimum 2 cm bottom margin
  • maximum 12 pages for the first track, plus 4 additional pages for each additional track
  • authors' names and affiliations should appear on the paper
  • single .pdf file only (no Word documents)

The workshop version of the paper and signed copyright release form(s) should be submitted to NIST by October 27, 2010. The paper should be submitted using the online paper submission form. The copyright release form(s) should be sent by email or fax when the paper is submitted.

The final (proceedings) version of the paper should be submitted to NIST in early February, 2011, using the online proceedings paper submission form.


Each team is strongly encouraged to present a poster and/or demo at the TAC 2010 workshop. Prior to the poster session, all teams are invited to give a boaster for their poster/demo. A boaster is a very short "advertisement" that helps everyone identify those posters/demos they particularly want to see.

Posters should be no more than 4 feet wide and 5 feet tall. Pins are provided to attach the poster to a padded wall in a hallway (so it is better to not back the poster with anything like foamcore).

For demos, NIST will provide tables, outlets, and wireless Internet access to the NIST Visitor's network, to which participants can connect their own laptop.

Teams may request to give a poster and/or demo when submitting the workshop version of their paper. Alternatively, you may send a request to tac-manager@nist.gov (please include the team name in all correspondences).

Full Presentations

While all teams are allowed to give a poster/demo at the TAC 2010 workshop, there is time for only a limited number of teams to give a full oral presentation (approximately 20 minutes long). Each team may submit up to three presentation proposals -- one for each track in which it participated.

A presentation proposal should consist of a short abstract about the team's experiments in that track. The abstract should not just give a general description of the system, but should emphasize what experiments were done and why they are interesting or unusual. Each abstract should be no more than 500 words. Do not send entire papers or presentation slides. Abstracts should be simple ASCII text and should be emailed as separate attachments to tac-manager@nist.gov. Please include the team ID in the email message and rank the proposals by the team's desire to present each proposed talk.

Presentation proposals will be selected at NIST based on the intrinsic value of each proposal, the needs of the program, and the desirability ranking provided by the team.

The deadline for submitting full presentation proposals is September 26. Teams are notified by October 12 whether a proposal has been accepted for presentation.


    TAC 2010 Schedule
    September 26Deadline for workshop presentation proposals
    October 12Notification of acceptance of presentation proposals
    October 27Deadline for participants' workshop papers, copyright release forms
    November 15-16TAC 2010 workshop in Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA
    Early February, 2011Deadline for participants' final proceedings papers

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Last updated: Tuesday, 28-Mar-2017 15:20:20 UTC
Comments to: tac-web@nist.gov