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TAC 2011 Tracks
TAC 2011 Workshop
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TAC 2011
NIST Building 101

Monday, November 14, 2011
07:45 Bus from Gaithersburg Holiday Inn to NIST
Photo identification must be presented at check-in at the Visitor Center if you are driving to NIST. Non-U.S. citizens must provide a passport.

If you are planning to drive a vehicle onto the NIST campus you will be required to show the vehicle registration or the car rental agreement before entering the NIST campus.

Attendees must wear their conference badge at all times while on the campus.
08:00–08:30Workshop Check-InGreen Auditorium area
Continental BreakfastWest Square Cafeteria
08:30–08:45Welcome / OpeningPortrait Room
Ashit Talukder (NIST)
Bonnie Dorr (DARPA)
Hoa Dang (NIST)
08:45–10:30Summarization Session IPortrait Room
08:45–09:15 Overview of the TAC 2011 AESOP and Guided Summarization Tasks
09:15–09:35 Exploiting Category Specific Information for Guided Summarization
National University of Singapore
09:35–09:55 Balanced Coverage of Aspects for Text Summarization
Tokyo Institute of Technology
09:55–10:15 SemQuest: University of Houston's Semantics-based Question Answering System
University of Houston
10:15–10:30 TJU_GSummary at TAC2011: Category-Oriented Extractive Content Selection for Guided Summarization
Tianjin University
10:30–11:00BreakWest Square Cafeteria
11:00–12:50Summarization Session IIPortrait Room
11:00–11:35 TAC2011 MultiLing Pilot Overview
11:35–11:55 CLASSY Summarization -- English and Beyond
IDA Center for Computing Sciences
11:55–12:15 Towards Language-Independent News Summarization
Joint Research Centre
12:15–12:35 Global and Local Models for Multi-Document Summarization
SUNY at Buffalo
12:35–12:50 Are These Systems Significantly Different?
IDA Center for Computing Sciences
12:50–13:50LunchWest Square Cafeteria
13:50–15:35RTE SessionPortrait Room
13:50–14:30 The Seventh PASCAL Recognizing Textual Entailment Challenge
14:30–14:50 Knowledge and Tree-Edits in Learnable Entailment Proofs
Bar Ilan University
14:50–15:10 Using MT-Based Metrics for RTE
German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence
15:10–15:35 Question Answering for Machine Reading Evaluation
Anselmo Peñas (UNED)
15:35–16:45Poster/Demo Session with BreakGreen Auditorium Area
16:45–17:30RTE Discussion and Planning SessionPortrait Room
17:30 Bus from NIST to Gaithersburg Holiday Inn
18:15 Bus from Gaithersburg Holiday Inn to Growlers
18:30–21:00TAC DinnerGrowlers, Gaithersburg, MD
21:00 Bus from Growlers to Gaithersburg Holiday Inn
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
08:00 Bus from Gaithersburg Holiday Inn to NIST
Attendees must wear their conference badge at all times while on the campus.
08:00–08:45Continental BreakfastWest Square Cafeteria
08:45–10:00Summarization Discussion and Planning SessionPortrait Room
MultiLing Summarization
George Giannakopoulos (NCSR Demokritos)
Summarization of Scientific Articles
Lucy Vanderwende (Microsoft Research)
10:00–10:20BreakWest Square Cafeteria
10:20–12:30KBP Session IPortrait Room
10:20–11:10 Overview of the TAC2011 Knowledge Base Population Track
11:10–11:30 TAC Entity Linking by Performing Full-Document Entity Extraction and Disambiguation
Microsoft Research
11:30–11:50 I2R-NUS at TAC 2011: Entity Linking
National University of Singapore
11:50–12:10 Supervised Learning for Linking Named Entities to Knowledge Base Entries
12:10–12:30 Cross-Language Entity Linking
Johns Hopkins University HLTCOE
12:30–13:30LunchWest Square Cafeteria
13:30–15:20KBP Session IIPortrait Room
13:30–13:52 Cross-Lingual Entity Linking without Source Language KB and MT
City University of New York, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and SRI International
13:52–14:14 HITS' Cross-Lingual Entity Linking System: One Model for All Languages
Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies
14:14–14:36 English and Cross-Lingual Cross-Document Coreference with Entity Linking
Language Computer Corporation
14:36–14:58 NYU 2011 System for KBP Slot Filling
New York University
14:58–15:20 Where is the Structure? Temporal Slot Filling without Manually Labeled Training Data
City University of New York
15:20–15:50BreakWest Square Cafeteria
15:50–17:20KBP Discussion and Planning SessionPortrait Room
Cross-Lingual Slot-Filling
Knowledge Base Acceleration at TREC 2012
John Frank (MIT)
Ian Soboroff (NIST)
Managing Uncertainty in KBs with Probabilistic Databases
Andrew McCallum (University of Massachusetts Amherst)
17:20–17:30TAC 2011 ClosePortrait Room
17:30 Bus from NIST to Gaithersburg Holiday Inn

If you have made arrangements to be picked up from NIST Building 101 by an airport shuttle or taxi at the end of the workshop, a sign-up sheet will be available at the registration desk for you to give us your name, time of your pickup, and the shuttle/taxi name. Without this information the shuttle/taxi will not be allowed in the NIST gate. Please provide this information as early as possible.

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Last updated: Tuesday, 28-Mar-2017 15:20:55 UTC
Comments to: tac-web@nist.gov