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TAC KBP 2013 Entity Linking Track


The entity linking task is to link name mentions of entities in a document collection to entities in a reference KB, or to new named entities discovered in the collection. The document collection will comprise a combination of newswire articles and posts to blogs, newsgroups, and discussion fora. Given a query that consists of a document with a specified name mention of an entity, the task is to determine the correct node in the reference KB for the entity, adding a new node for the entity if it is not already in the reference KB. Entities can be of type PER (person), ORG (organization), or GPE (geopolitical entity).

In addition to monolingual English entity linking, cross-lingual entity linking tasks will be offered in Chinese (Chinese and English documents, English reference KB) and Spanish (Spanish and English documents, English reference KB).


    AprilTrack guidelines posted
    By early JuneDistribution of document collections
    June 15Deadline for registration for track participation
    September 9-16English Entity Linking evaluation window
    September 16-23Cross-Lingual Spanish and Chinese Entity Linking evaluation windows
    By late SeptemberRelease of individual evaluated results to participants
    September 30Deadline for short system descriptions
    September 30Deadline for workshop presentation proposals
    mid OctoberNotification of acceptance of presentation proposals
    November 8Deadline for system reports (workshop notebook version)
    November 18-19TAC KBP 2013 workshop in Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA
    February 15, 2014Deadline for system reports (final proceedings version)

Track Coordinator

James Mayfield (Johns Hopkins University, james.mayfield@jhuapl.edu)

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Last updated: Tuesday, 28-Mar-2017 15:22:11 UTC
Comments to: tac-web@nist.gov