TAC KBP 2015
Registration for Track Participation

Track registration is closed.

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(* = required field)
Team Identifier
Team ID* Create a team identifier (1-12 characters; may contain letters, numbers, periods, and underscores). This identifier is also used to tag your runs when you submit them, so if another team is using this identifier, you will be asked to choose another.
Team Password You will be assigned a Team Password.
Main Contact Person
First Name*
Last Name*
Organization* The full name of the organization that the team is affiliated with.
(If no organization affiliation, then specify the name of the main contact person.)
Postal Address* A physical mailing address for your organization.
Track Participation
Tracks What Knowledge Base Population (KBP) tasks are you planning to participate in? (This is not binding, but helps NIST with planning. Please do not register for a track unless you are likely to participate.) All tracks are in English only, unless noted otherwise.
    Tri-Lingual Entity Discovery and Linking Track:
       Diagnostic Tri-Lingual Entity Linking Tasks:

    Cold Start KBP Track:
          Entity Discovery
          Slot Filling
          KB Construction

    Event Track:
       Event Arguments:
          Event Argument Extraction and Linking
          Event Argument Verification and Linking
       Event Nuggets:
          Event Nugget Detection
          Event Nugget Detection and Coreference
          Event Nugget Coreference

    Validation/Ensembling Track:
          Slot Filler Validation
Technical Approach* Short description of your technical approach for each task.
Additional Notes If your team has participated in TAC before, please list the years that you participated. If your team includes individuals from other organizations, please also note their names and affiliations.

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Last updated: Tuesday, 28-Mar-2017 15:21:04 UTC
Comments to: tac-web@nist.gov