TAC 2018 Tracks
Call for Participation
Track Registration
Reporting Guidelines
TAC 2018 Workshop

Systematic Review Information Extraction (SRIE) 2018
Evaluation: February-November, 2018
Workshop: November 13-14, 2018
The National Toxicology Program (NTP), an interagency program
headquartered at the National Institute of Environmental Health
Sciences (NIEHS, part of the National Institutes of Health), and the
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) conduct systematic reviews of
environmental agents to identify potential human health hazards. These
reviews collect toxicity or health effects information on different
chemicals from the published scientific literature including study
details such as experimental protocols, animal models, and
results. Because this information can vary widely from study to study,
the systematic review serves a critical purpose by providing a
transparent, standardized, multistep approach to identify, select,
assess, and synthesize information for developing objective,
evidence-based conclusions about potential chemical
hazards. Furthermore, because research studies done at different
points in time may reflect different standards in experimental
protocols or reporting procedures, the systematic review approach
serves to promote transparency and facilitate reproducibility of
literature-based evaluations on environmental agents.
Some elements of information extraction in these systematic reviews
are straightforward, such as identifying the species or sex of the
experimental models. Others are more complex as publications may
report multiple experiments with various exposures and doses and
evaluate multiple endpoints. Authors may report experimental details
using different units, different chemical names, and other variations
in terminology. In addition, this information may be located in the
text of the publication, or in a table, figure caption, or the figure
itself. Currently, the information extracted in a systematic review is
collected through a labor-intensive, manual process that is slow and
often costly. NTP and EPA are interested in adopting automated
processes for information extraction in systematic reviews of
environmental chemicals. The application of this task is to develop
automated tools that could improve the efficiency of systematic review
information extraction to reduce completion time and labor-costs while
maintaining quality and reproducibility. The results of this task will
inform future NTP and EPA efforts aimed at systematic review
automation, including subsequent challenges.
The purpose of the Systematic Review Information Extraction (SRIE)
track is to develop and evaluate Information Extraction (IE)
approaches that can assist in the systematic reviews of environmental
agents. This track focuses on IE of experimental design factors found
in the Material and Methods section ("methods section") of published
studies of experimental animals exposed to environmental
chemicals. The first goal of the track is to identify and annotate the
experimental design factors. The second goal of the track is to
identify relations between different experimental design factors and
assign the factors into logical groups.
The SRIE track has two tasks:
- Task 1: Experimental design factors for the categories of exposure, animal group, dose group, and endpoint should be identified and the appropriate annotation tag applied.
- Task 2: Relations between experimental design factors from Task 1 should be identified, the factors assigned to groups, and the appropriate annotation tag applied.
Task 2 builds on Task 1. Participants may choose to participate in only Task 1, or in both Task 1 and Task 2.
As training data for Task 1, text for 100 methods sections will be
released with annotations for mentions of experimental design factors.
As training data for Task 2, relations among experimental design
factors will be annotated for a subset of the 100 methods sections.
For the test set, participants will be provided ~300 methods sections
as text documents to test their IE approach for identifying
experimental design factors and their relations. Participants will be
evaluated on an unidentified subset hidden within the test set.
Evaluation will be P/R/F1-measure on mentions of factors and
Preliminary TAC SRIE 2018 Schedule |
June 1 | Release of Task 1 training data |
July 15 | Deadline for registration for track participation |
July 27 | Release of Task 2 training data |
August 15 | Release of Tasks 1 and 2 test data |
October 15 | EXTENDED deadline for submission of Task 1 system results |
October 15 | EXTENDED deadline for submission of Task 2 system results |
October 15 | Deadline for short system descriptions |
October 15 | Deadline for workshop presentation proposals |
October 20 | Release of individual evaluated results to participants |
October 20 | Notification of acceptance of presentation proposals |
November 1 | Deadline for system reports (workshop notebook version) |
November 13-14 | TAC 2018 workshop in Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA |
March 1, 2019 | Deadline for system reports (final proceedings version) |
Mailing List
Join the tac-srie group to subscribe yourself to the tac-srie@list.nist.gov mailing list (if not already subscribed):
Registering to participate in a track does not automatically
add you to the mailing list. If you were previously subscribed to the
mailing list, you do not have to re-subscribe (the mailing list is for
anyone interested in TAC SRIE, rather than specifically for TAC SRIE
participants, and thus carries over from year to year).
Organizing Committee
Charles Schmitt (charles.schmitt@nih.gov), Co-Track coordinator
Mary Wolfe (wolfe@niehs.nih.gov), Co-Track coordinator
Michelle Angrish (Angrish.Michelle@epa.gov)
Dina Demner-Fushman (consultant, ddemner@mail.nih.gov)
Kristan Markey (markey.kristan@epa.gov)
Andrew Rooney (rooney@niehs.nih.gov)
Michele Taylor (taylor.michelem@epa.gov)
Vickie Walker (vickie.walker@nih.gov)
Byron Wallace (consultant, byron@ccs.neu.edu)