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TAC 2011 Tracks
Call for Participation
Reporting Guidelines
TAC 2011 Workshop

RTE-7 Registration Instructions

  1. Register for TAC 2011 tracks at: http://tac.nist.gov/2011/track-app.html

  2. Subscribe yourself to the RTE mailing list if not already subscribed (instructions on the RTE-7 Home Page)

  3. Submit the following forms to NIST:
    1. Agreement Concerning Dissemination of TAC Results
    2. AQUAINT-2 Organization Application (only for Main and Novelty-Detection Tasks)

    3. Instructions for submitting NIST forms can be found at http://tac.nist.gov/data/forms/.

  4. Submit the following form to LDC (only for KBP Validation Task):
    1. 2011 Text Analysis Conference (TAC) Recognizing Textual Entailment Evaluation License Agreement

    2. Fax or email (preferred) the signed form to LDC's Membership Office:
      Attention: Ilya Ahtaridis, Membership Coordinator
      Fax: +1 (215) 573-2175
      Email: ldc@ldc.upenn.edu

  5. After submitting forms, obtain data for your task(s):
    • Main and Novelty-Detection Task: Use your TAC 2011 Team ID and Password to download RTE-7 data from the RTE-7 Home Page
    • KBP Validation Task: Contact LDC's Membership Office at ldc@ldc.upenn.edu to request RTE-7 KBP Validation corpora.

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Last updated: Tuesday, 28-Mar-2017 15:20:53 UTC
Comments to: tac-web@nist.gov