TAC 2011 Tracks
Call for Participation
Reporting Guidelines
TAC 2011 Workshop

TAC 2011 Summarization Registration Instructions
- Register for TAC 2011 tracks at: http://tac.nist.gov/2011/track-app.html
- Subscribe yourself to the duc_list mailing list if not already subscribed (instructions on the TAC 2011 Summarization Track Home Page)
- Submit the following form to NIST:
- Agreement Concerning Dissemination of TAC Results
Instructions for submitting NIST forms can be found at http://tac.nist.gov/data/forms/.
- Submit the following form to LDC (only for Guided Summarization Task and AESOP Task):
- 2011 Text Analysis Conference (TAC) Summarization Evaluation License Agreement
Fax or email (preferred) the signed form to LDC's Membership Office:
Attention: Ilya Ahtaridis, Membership Coordinator
Fax: +1 (215) 573-2175
Email: ldc@ldc.upenn.edu
- After submitting forms, obtain data for your task(s):
- Guided Summarization Task: When Guided Summarization Test Data is released in July, you will receive a notice from the LDC informing you that you can download the TAC 2011 Guided Summarization Test Data (LDC2011E28) from the LDC. The test documents are drawn from the newswire portion of the TAC 2010 KBP Source Data.
If you would like to receive the entire TAC 2010 KBP Source Data (over 1.8 million documents) in advance of the evaluation period, in order to tune preprocessing tools, etc., you may contact LDC's Membership Office at ldc@ldc.upenn.edu to request the disk containing TAC 2010 KBP Source Data (LDC2010E12).
- AESOP Task: Use your TAC 2011 Team ID and Password to download AESOP test topics and summaries from the TAC 2011 Summarization Home Page at the beginning of the evaluation period in August. In July, you will also receive a notice from the LDC informing you that you can download the TAC 2011 Guided Summarization Test Data (LDC2011E28) from the LDC; this download is optional for AESOP, in case your AESOP system requires access to the source documents. Please do not start processing the test topics in LDC2011E28 prior to the AESOP evaluation period in August.
- Multiling Pilot: Data Access instructions TBA. See Multiling Pilot Home Page.