TAC 2019 Tracks SM-KBP EDL DDI Call for Participation Track Registration Reporting Guidelines TAC 2019 Workshop |
TAC 2019 Track Registration Instructions
Email the signed agreement form as a pdf attachment to: tac-admin@nist.gov Include the following information in the body of the email message:
your organization name your TAC 2019 team ID what forms you are submitting "Requesting access to TAC 2019 data as a registered TAC 2019 team" Fax or email (preferred) the signed form to LDC's Membership Office: LDC Membership Office Fax: +1 (215) 573-2175 Email: ldc@ldc.upenn.edu Please by sure to place a check mark next to the specific packages that you are requesting in the license agreement. If the TAC team includes individuals from multiple organizations, each organization must submit a separate evaluation license agreement to the LDC. Please include your TAC 2019 team ID in all correspondences.
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Last updated: Wednesday, 29-May-2019 12:23:49 UTC
Comments to: tac-web@nist.gov