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TAC 2023 Tracks
      Mailing List
      Reading List
Call for Participation
Track Registration
Reporting Guidelines
TAC 2023 Workshop

Mailing List

The mailing list for the CRUX 2023 track is tac-crux2023@googlegroups.com. Participants should join the mailing list by joining the Google Group:

Track coordinators will send all announcements about the CRUX tasks and evaluation to the Google Group mailing list. (Other group members may also send messages to everyone in the group by sending the message to tac-crux2023@googlegroups.com.)

Registering to participate in the TAC 2023 CRUX track does not automatically add you to the Google group. Participants in the CRUX 2023 track must join the Google group theselves in order to receive announcements about CRUX. A Google account (not necessarily a Gmail account) is required to join the Google group (participants without a Google account should send a message to tac-manager@nist.gov with the subject line "subscribe tac-crux2023").

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Last updated: Thursday, 27-Apr-2023 12:15:23 EDT
Comments to: tac-web@nist.gov