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TAC 2016 Tracks
    Cold Start SF/KB
Track Registration
Reporting Guidelines
TAC 2016 Workshop

TAC KBP 2016 Track Registration Instructions

  1. Read the Policies and Guidelines for Track Participants. Participation in a TAC track signifies that you have read and will abide by the policies and guidelines. All results submitted to TAC are archived on the TAC web site and all evaluations are published in the conference proceedings. Dissemination of TAC work and results other than in the conference proceedings is welcomed, but the conditions of participation specifically preclude any advertising claims based on TAC results.

  2. Register for TAC KBP 2016 tracks at: http://tac.nist.gov/2016/KBP/KBP-track-app.html

  3. Subscribe yourself to the tac-kbp@nist.gov mailing list (if not already subscribed). Registering to participate in a track does not automatically add you to the mailing list. If you were previously subscribed to the mailing list, you do not have to re-subscribe (the mailing list is for anyone interested in TAC KBP, rather than specifically for TAC KBP participants, and thus carries over from year to year). In order for your messages to get posted to the list, you must send them from the email address used when you subscribed to the list.

    To subscribe to the tac-kbp@nist.gov mailing list, send a message to tac-kbp-request@nist.gov, subject = subscribe. You will receive an automatic email with a confirmation code, which you must respond to in order to complete your subscription request.

    To unsubscribe from the tac-kbp@nist.gov mailing list, send a message to tac-kbp-request@nist.gov, subject = unsubscribe. You will receive an automatic email with a confirmation code, which you must respond to in order to complete your request to be removed from the mailing list.

    For additional information on how to use the tac-kbp@nist.gov mailing list, send a message to tac-kbp-request@nist.gov, subject = help.

  4. Submit the following form to NIST:
    • Agreement Concerning Dissemination of TAC Results

    • Email the signed agreement form as a pdf attachment to: tac-admin@nist.gov
      Include the following information in the body of the email message:
        your name
        your organization name
        your TAC KBP 2016 team ID
        what forms you are submitting
        "Requesting access to TAC KBP 2016 data as a registered TAC KBP 2016 team"
      If you are not able to email your form as a pdf attachment, please contact tac-admin@nist.gov for other options for submitting forms.

  5. Submit the following form to LDC to request specific resources for KBP 2016:

  6. Please by sure to place a check mark next to the specific packages that you are requesting in the license agreement. Please include your TAC KBP 2016 team ID in all correspondences.

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Last updated: Tuesday, 28-Mar-2017 15:21:08 UTC
Comments to: tac-web@nist.gov