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TAC 2016
NIST Building 101

Monday, November 14, 2016
8:00/8:30 Bus from Courtyard Gaithersburg Marriott to NIST
Photo identification must be presented at check-in at the Visitor Center. Non-U.S. citizens must provide a passport.

If you are planning to drive a vehicle onto the NIST campus you will be required to show the vehicle registration or the car rental agreement before entering the NIST campus.

Attendees must wear their conference badge at all times while on the campus.
8:00–9:00Workshop Check-InGreen Auditorium area
Continental BreakfastWest Square
9:00–9:15Welcome/OverviewPortrait Room
9:15–10:30Cold Start KB/SF/SFV Session IPortrait Room
9:15–9:35 TAC KBP 2016 Linguistic Resources: Data Selection, Entity Discovery & Linking (ED&L), and Cold Start
9:35–10:10 TAC 2016 Cold Start KB/SF/SFV Track Overview
10:10–10:30 From Strings to Things: KELVIN in 2016 KBP and EDL
Johns Hopkins University Human Language Technology Center of Excellence (hltcoe)
10:30–11:00BreakWest Square
11:00–12:30Cold Start KB/SF/SFV Session IIPortrait Room
11:00–11:20 Multilingual Relation Extraction using Compositional Universal Schema
University of Massachusetts, Amherst (UMass_IESL)
11:20–11:45 Stanford at TAC KBP 2016: Sealing Pipeline Leaks; Understanding Chinese
Stanford University (Stanford)
11:45–12:10 BBN Raytheon (BBN)
12:10–12:30 University of Florida (gator_dsr)
1:30–3:00Entity Discovery and Linking SessionPortrait Room
1:30–2:00 Overview of KBP2016 Tri-lingual EDL and Its Impact on Cold-Start KBP
Heng Ji (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)
2:00–2:25 Exploring Neural Networks for Entity Discovery and Linking (EDL)
University of Science and Technology of China and York University (USTC_NELSLIP, YorkNRM)
2:25–2:50 The IBM Systems for Trilingual Entity Discovery and Linking at TAC 2016
IBM Research (IBM)
2:50–3:00 Tri-lingual EDL for 2017 and Beyond
3:00–5:00Poster/Demo Session with BreakGreen Auditorium Area
5:15 Bus from NIST to Courtyard Gaithersburg Marriott
6:00–9:00TAC DinnerUnion Jack's, Gaithersburg, MD
Tuesday, November 15, 2016
8:00/8:30 Bus from Courtyard Gaithersburg Marriott to NIST
Attendees must wear their conference badge at all times while on the campus.
8:00–9:00Continental BreakfastGreen Auditorium area
9:00–10:30Event Session IPortrait Room
9:00–9:20 TAC KBP 2016 Linguistic Resources: Event Arguments (EA), Event Nuggets (EN) and Belief/Sentiment (BeSt)
9:20–9:45 Event Argument Task Overview
9:45–10:10 Overview of Event Nugget Track: TAC KBP 2016
10:10–10:30 New York University 2016 System for KBP Event Nugget: A Deep Learning Approach
New York University (NYU)
10:30–10:50BreakGreen Auditorium area
10:50–12:15Event Session IIPortrait Room
10:50–11:15 UTD at the KBP 2016 Event Track
The University of Texas at Dallas (UTD)
11:15–11:40 CMU LTI @ KBP 2016 Event Track
Language Technologies Institute, Carnegie Mellon University (LTI_CMU)
11:40–12:05 Raytheon BBN (BBN)
12:05–12:15 Discussion
1:45–3:15TAC 2017++ SessionPortrait Room
1:45–2:00 TAC 2017:
Adverse Reaction Extraction from Drug Labels
2:00–3:15 Panel Discussion: "What next, after 2017?"
Ed Hovy (leader)
Bonnie Dorr
Heng Ji
Boyan Onyshkevych
Ralph Weischedel
3:15–3:35BreakGreen Auditorium area
3:35–5:00Belief and Sentiment SessionPortrait Room
3:35–4:00 Track Overview: The BeSt Eval at the 2016 NIST TAC KBP
4:00–4:20 The CUBISM Project: Belief and Sentiment Classification
IHMC, SUNY/Albany, University of Florida (CUBISM)
4:20–4:40 The Cornpittmich Chinese System for BeSt Evaluation 2016
Cornell, Pittsburgh, Michigan (cornpittmich)
4:40–5:00 The Columbia-GWU System at the 2016 TAC KBP BeSt Evaluation
Columbia University (Columbia_GWU)
5:15 Bus from NIST to Courtyard Gaithersburg Marriott

A sign-up sheet will be available at the registration desk if you would like to be picked up from NIST by an airport shuttle or taxi at the end of the workshop. Please provide this information as early as possible. Please be aware that if you make arrangements to be picked up at NIST without first signing up at the registration desk, the taxi/shuttle will not be allowed inside the NIST gate, and you must meet the vehicle at the NIST Visitor Center (Gate A -- Main Gate), which is a 10-minute walk from Building 101.

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Last updated: Monday, 16-Apr-2018 17:22:21 UTC
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