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TAC 2010
Proceedings Papers

Overview of the TAC 2010 Knowledge Base Population Track
H. Ji (Queens College and City University of New York)
R. Grishman (New York University)
H.T. Dang (National Institute of Standards and Technology)
K. Griffitt, J. Ellis (Linguistic Data Consortium)

The Sixth PASCAL Recognizing Textual Entailment Challenge
L. Bentivogli (FBK-irst)
P. Clark (Vulcan Inc.)
I. Dagan (Bar-Ilan University)
D. Giampiccolo (CELCT)

Overview of the TAC 2010 Summarization Track
K. Owczarzak, H.T. Dang (National Institute of Standards and Technology)

ARPANI: KBP (Entity-Linking)
Bhilai Institute of Technology Durg at TAC 2010: Knowledge Base Population Task Challenge
A. Thomas, A. Rawal, M.K. Kowar, S. Sharma, S. Pitale, N. Kharya (Bhilai Institute of Technology)

BIU: RTE (Main, Novelty Detection, KBP Validation Pilot)
Rule Chaining and Approximate Match in textual inference
A. Stern, E. Shnarch, S. Mirkin, L. Kotlerman, N. Zeichner, I. Dagan (Bar-Ilan University, Israel)
A. Lotan, J. Berant (Tel-Aviv University, Israel)

BJTU_Sum_10: Summarization (Guided)
Summarization using Wikipedia
S. Gong, Y. Qu, S. Tian (Beijing Jiaotong University)

Boeing: RTE (Main, Novelty Detection)
BLUE-Lite: a Knowledge-Based Lexical Entailment System for RTE6
P. Clark, P. Harrison (The Boeing Company)

budapestacad: KBP (Entity-Linking, Slot-Filling), RTE (Main)
D. Nemeskey, G. Recski, A. Zséder, A. Kornai (Hungarian Academy of Sciences)

BuptPris: KBP (Entity-Linking, Slot-Filling)
PRIS at TAC2010 KBP Track
S. Gao, Y. Cai, S. Li, Z. Zhang, J. Guan, Y. Li, H. Zhang, W. Xu, J. Guo (Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications)

CIST: Summarization (Guided, AESOP)
The CIST Summarization System at TAC 2010
H. Liu, Q. Zhao, Y. Xiong, L. Li, C. Yuan (Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications)

CLASSY: Summarization (Guided, AESOP)
Guiding CLASSY Toward More Responsive Summaries
J.M. Conroy, J.D. Schlesinger (IDA/Center for Computing Sciences)
P.A. Rankel, D.P. O'Leary (University of Maryland)

CMCRC: KBP (Entity-Linking)
Document-level Entity Linking: CMCRC at TAC 2010
W. Radford, J. Nothman, M. Honnibal, J.R. Curran (University of Sydney, Capital Markets CRC)
B. Hachey (Capital Markets CRC, Macquarie University)

CMI_IIT: Summarization (Guided)
TAC 2010 Summarization Track - Update Summarization with Interview Algorithm
K. Shrinivaasan (Chennai Mathematical Institute)

cortex: KBP (Slot-Filling)
An Analysis of The Cortex Method at TAC 2010 KBP Slot-Filling
D. Chada, C. Aranha, C. Monte (Cortex Intelligence)

CUNY_BLENDER: KBP (Entity-Linking, Slot-Filling)
CUNY-BLENDER TAC-KBP2010 Entity Linking and Slot Filling System Description
Z. Chen, S. Tamang, A. Lee, X. Li, W.-P. Lin, M. Snover, J. Artiles, M. Passantino, H. Ji (City University of New York)

dataminer: Summarization (Guided)
WikiSummarizer - A Wikipedia-based Summarization System
Y. Miao, C. Li (Tsinghua University)

deb_iitb: RTE (Main)
Lexical Based Text Entailment System for Main Task of RTE6
D. Majumdar, P. Bhattacharyya (IIT Bombay)

DemokritosGR: Summarization (AESOP)
Summarization System Evaluation Variations Based on N-Gram Graphs
G. Giannakopoulos (NCSR Demokritos)
V. Karkaletsis (NCSR Demokritos)

DFKI: RTE (Main, Novelty Detection)
Combining Deterministic Dependency Parsing and Linear Classification for Robust RTE
A. Volokh, G. Neumann, B. Sacaleanu (DFKI)

DirRelCond2: RTE (Main, Novelty Detection)
Detecting Textual Entailment with Conditions on Directional Text Relatedness Scores Revisited
A. Perini

FBK_irst: RTE (Main, KBP Validation Pilot)
FBK Participation in RTE6: Main and KBP Validation Task
M. Kouylekov, M. Negri (Fondazione Bruno Kessler)
Y. Mehdad, E. Cabrio (Fondazione Bruno Kessler, University of Trento)

Guelph_NLP: Summarization (Guided)
Multi-Document Summarization from First Principles
W.M. Darling (University of Guelph)

HITS: Summarization (Guided)
HMM Content Model for TAC2010 Summarization Challenge
D. Shockley, M. Strube (HITS gGmbH)

hltcoe: KBP (Entity-Linking, Slot-Filling)
HLTCOE Efforts in Entity Linking at TAC KBP 2010
P. McNamee (The Johns Hopkins University)

HZNU: Summarization (Guided)
Obtaining Uncertainty to Generate Summarization
J. Chen, T. He (Huazhong Normal University)

IBM: KBP (Slot-Filling)
Slot Filling through Statistical Processing and Inference Rules
V. Castelli, R. Florian, D. Han (IBM TJ Watson Research Center)

ICL_KBP: KBP (Entity-Linking, Slot-Filling)
ICL KBP Approaches to Knowledge Base Population at TAC2010
Y. Song, Z. He, H. Wang (Peking University)

ICL_SUM: Summarization (Guided, AESOP)
TAC2010 Update Summarization and AESOP of ICL
S. Li, T. Song, X. Wang (Peking University)

ICTCAS: Summarization (Guided)
TMSP: Topic Guided Manifold Ranking with Sink Points for Guided Summarization
P. Du, J. Zhang, J. Guo, X. Cheng (Chinese Academy of Sciences)

iirg: KBP (Slot-Filling)
UCD IIRG at TAC 2010 KBP Slot Filling Task
L. Byrne, J. Dunnion (University College Dublin)

IKOMA: RTE (Main, Novelty Detection)
IKOMA at TAC2010: Textual Entailment System using Local-Novelty Detection
K. Tateishi, K. Ishikawa (NEC Corporation)

ISI: Summarization (AESOP)
BEwT-E in the TAC 2010 AESOP Task
S. Tratz (University of Southern California)

JRC: Summarization (Guided)
JRC's Participation in the Guided Summarization Task at TAC 2010
J. Steinberger, H. Tanev, M. Kabadjov, R. Steinberger (Joint Research Centre)

JU_CSE_TAC: Summarization (Guided), RTE (Main, Novelty Detection, KBP Validation Pilot)
JU_CSE_TAC: Textual Entailment Recognition System at TAC RTE-6
P. Pakray, S. Pal, S. Poria, S. Bandyopadhyay (Jadavpur University)
A. Gelbukh (National Polytechnic Institute)

lcc: KBP (Entity-Linking, Slot-Filling)
LCC Approaches to Knowledge Base Population at TAC 2010
J. Lehmann, S. Monahan, L. Nezda, A. Jung, Y. Shi (Language Computer Corporation)

lsv: KBP (Slot-Filling)
Saarland University Spoken Language Systems at the Slot Filling Task of TAC KBP 2010
G. Chrupala, S. Momtazi, M. Wiegand, S. Kazalski, F. Xu, B. Roth, A. Balahur, D. Klakow (Saarland University)

NIRAJIIITH: Summarization (Guided, AESOP)
An Effective Approach for AESOP and Guided Summarization Task
N. Kumar, K. Srinathan, V. Varma (IIIT-Hyderabad)

NUSchime: KBP (Entity-Linking)
NUS-I2R: Learning a Combined System for Entity Linking
W. Zhang, C.L. Tan (National University of Singapore)
Y.C. Sim, J. Su (Institute for Infocomm Research)

NYU: KBP (Slot-Filling)
New York University KBP 2010 Slot-Filling System
R. Grishman, B. Min (New York University)

PKUTM: Summarization (Guided), RTE (Main, Novelty Detection)
PKUTM Participation at TAC 2010 RTE and Summarization Track
H. Jia, X. Huang, T. Ma, X. Wan, J. Xiao (Peking University)

PolyU: Summarization (Guided, AESOP)
PolyU's Experimentation with Guided Summarization
R. Zhang, Y. Ouyang, W. Li (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)

Rali: Summarization (Guided)
Text Generation for Abstractive Summarization
P.-E. Genest, G. Lapalme (University of Montreal)

Sagan: RTE (Main, Novelty Detection)
Sagan in TAC2010: A Machine Learning Approach to RTE within a Corpus
J.J. Castillo (National University of Cordoba, National Technological University)

saicnlp: RTE (Main, Novelty Detection)
System Description for SAIC Entry at RTE-6
D.G. Glinos (Science Applications International Corporation)

Sangyan: RTE (Main, Novelty Detection)
Semi Cognitive approach to RTE 6 - Using FrameNet for Semantic Clustering
H. Shivhare, P. Nath, A. Jain (NEC HCL System Technologies Ltd)

seme1: Summarization (Guided)
Summarizing with Wikipedia
A. Bawakid, M. Oussalah (University of Birmingham)

Siel_10: KBP (Entity-Linking, Slot-Filling), Summarization (Guided)
IIIT Hyderabad in Guided Summarization and Knowledge Base Population
V. Varma, P. Bysani, K. Reddy, V.B. Reddy, S. Kovelamudi, S. R. Vaddepally, R. Nanduri, K. Kumar N, S. Gsk, P. Pingali (International Institute of Information Technology)

SINAI: RTE (Main, Novelty Detection)
SINAI at RTE-6: Personalized Page Rank Vectors and Named Entities
A. Montejo-Ráez, J.M. Perea-Ortega, F. Martínez-Santiago, L.A. Ureña-López (University of Jaén)

SJTU_CIT: Summarization (Guided), RTE (Main)
SJTU CIT at TAC 2010: Guided Summarization Task
P. Li, X. Zhang, Y. Wang (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)

SMU_SIS: KBP (Entity-Linking)
SMU-SIS at TAC 2010 - KBP Track Entity Linking
S. Gottipati, J. Jiang (Singapore Management University)

Stanford: KBP (Slot-Filling)
A Simple Distant Supervision Approach for the TAC-KBP Slot Filling Task
M. Surdeanu, D. McClosky, J. Tibshirani, J. Bauer, A.X. Chang, V.I. Spitkovsky, C.D. Manning (Stanford University)

Stanford_UBC: KBP (Entity-Linking)
Stanford-UBC Entity Linking at TAC-KBP
A.X. Chang, V.I. Spitkovsky, E. Yeh, C.D. Manning (Stanford University)
E. Agirre (University of the Basque Country)

TCAR: KBP (Entity-Linking, Slot-Filling)
TCAR at TAC-KBP-2010
A. Goldschen, B. Kapp, T. Meyer, B. Onyshkevych, P. Schone (U.S. Department of Defense)

THU_HUANG: Summarization (Guided)
The THU Summarization Systems at TAC 2010
F. Jin, M. Huang, X. Zhu (Tsinghua University)

txsumm: Summarization (Guided)
A Ranking-based Approach for Multiple-document Information Extraction
A. Barrera, R. Verma (University of Houston)

UAIC2010: RTE (Main, Novelty Detection)
UAIC Participation at RTE-6
A. Iftene, M.-A. Moruz ("Al. I. Cuza" University)

UBC: KBP (Slot-Filling)
UBC at Slot Filling TAC-KBP 2010
A. Intxaurrondo, O. Lopez de Lacalle, E. Agirre (University of the Basque Country)

UB.dmirg: RTE (Main)
UB.dmirg: Learning Textual Entailment Relationships Using Lexical Semantic Features
B. Ofoghi, J. Yearwood (University of Ballarat)

UC3M: KBP (Entity-Linking)
Combining similarities with regression based classifiers for Entity Linking at TAC 2010
C. de Pablo-Sánchez, J. Perea, P. Martínez (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)

UIUC: RTE (Main)
The Role of Semantics in Recognizing Textual Entailment
C. Blake, W. Zheng, K. Painter, W. Weyerhaeuser (University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign)

Univille: Summarization (Guided, AESOP)
Univille at TAC 2010
P. Oliveira (University of Joinville)

uOttawa: Summarization (Guided, AESOP)
Entropy-based Sentence Selection with Roget's Thesaurus
A. Kennedy, T. Copeck, D. Inkpen, S. Szpakowicz (University of Ottawa)

USFD: KBP (Entity-Linking, Slot-Filling)
The University of Sheffield System at TAC KBP 2010
J. Yu, O. Mujgond, R. Gaizauskas (University of Sheffield)

WebTLab: KBP (Entity-Linking)
WebTLab: A cooccurrence-based approach to KBP 2010 Entity-Linking task
N. Fernández, J.A. Fisteus, L. Sánchez, E. Martín (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)

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