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TAC 2023
Past Tracks
Past Data

Past TAC Data

(Data for current -- TAC 2023 -- tasks is available only to registered TAC 2023 track participants. See the TAC 2023 page for registration information.)

The data available on this page include test data and evaluation results for past TAC cycles. (Task guidelines for past years can be found on the track home pages.)

A "Past TAC Data" ID and password sequence is required in order to access any data distributed by NIST on this page. Most data files can be downloaded directly from the TAC web site, but some files will require sending an email to tac-admin@nist.gov containing your "Past TAC Data" ID and password and the name of the requested file.

The "Past TAC Data" ID and password sequence is static from year to year and is different from any "Team" ID and password sequence that an organization may have received as a registered track participant in any TAC year (including the current year). To receive the required "Past TAC Data" ID and password sequence that allows access to past TAC data, please complete the "Agreement Concerning Dissemination of TAC Results" and any additional User Agreements that are required for the particular track, task, and year (See Table below). TAC Agreement forms are available at:

Send the Organization Applications to NIST, retain the Individual Applications at your organization. When you send your forms, please indicate that you are requesting 'Past TAC Data'. You will receive a response email confirming receipt of your forms. If this is the first time you are requesting "Past TAC Data", you will also receive a "Past TAC Data" ID and password sequence; otherwise, you may use your existing "Past TAC Data" ID and password to access the data.

* Agreement Concerning Dissemination of TAC Results is required for accessing any TAC data.

Past TAC Data
Year Track Task Data Required User Agreements
2022 Knowledge Base Population SM-KBP [Resources will be distributed by LDC]
2020 Knowledge Base Population SM-KBP [Resources will be distributed by LDC]
Knowledge Base Population Recognizing Ultra Fine-grained Entities (RUFES) * WashingtonPost
Epidemic QA (EPIC-QA) EPIC-QA Download from EPIC-QA website
2019 Knowledge Base Population SM-KBP; EDL [Resources will be distributed by LDC]
Drug-Drug Interaction (DDI) DDI Download from DDI2019 website
2018 Knowledge Base Population SM-KBP; EDL [Resources will be distributed by LDC]
Drug-Drug Interaction (DDI) DDI Download from DDI2018 website
Systematic Review Information Extraction (SRIE) SRIE *
2017 Knowledge Base Population Cold Start SF/KB; EDL; Event; Belief/Sentiment [Resources will be distributed by LDC]
Adverse Drug Reaction (ADR) ADR Download from ADR website
2016 Knowledge Base Population Cold Start SF/KB; EDL; Event; Belief/Sentiment [Resources will be distributed by LDC]
2015 Knowledge Base Population Cold Start KBP; Tri-lingual EDL; Event [Resources will be distributed by LDC]
2014 Knowledge Base Population Entity-Linking; Slot-Filling; Sentiment Slot-Filling; Event; Cold Start KBP [Resources will be distributed by LDC]
Biomedical Summarization BiomedSumm * Biomed14
2013 Knowledge Base Population Entity-Linking; Slot-Filling; Temporal Slot-Filling; Sentiment Slot-Filling; Cold Start KBP [Resources will be distributed by LDC]
2012 Knowledge Base Population Entity-Linking; Slot-Filling; Cold Start KBP [Resources will be distributed by LDC]
2011 Knowledge Base Population Entity-Linking; Slot-Filling [Resources will be distributed by LDC]
Recognizing Textual Entailment (RTE-7) Main and Novelty-Detection * AQUAINT-2
KBP Validation Task *
Summarization Guided; AESOP *
2010 Knowledge Base Population Entity-Linking; Slot-Filling [Resources will be distributed by LDC]
Recognizing Textual Entailment (RTE-6) Main and Novelty-Detection * AQUAINT-2
KBP Validation Pilot *
Summarization Guided; AESOP * AQUAINT, AQUAINT-2
2009 Knowledge Base Population Entity-Linking; Slot-Filling [Resources will be distributed by LDC]
Recognizing Textual Entailment (RTE-5) Main (Classification) *
Search Pilot * AQUAINT-2
Summarization Update; AESOP * AQUAINT-2
2008 Question Answering Opinion QA * Blog06
Recognizing Textual Entailment (RTE-4) Main (Classification) *
Summarization Update * AQUAINT-2
Opinion Pilot * Blog06

* Agreement Concerning Dissemination of TAC Results is required for accessing any TAC data.

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Last updated: Wednesday, 01-Nov-2023 16:35:52 EDT
Comments to: tac-web@nist.gov